So I had plans to play DPP these holidays but I got caught up with my Buffy watching marathon (which is amazing btw, Buffy ftmfw) and forgot about my Pokemon Marathon :) I did manage to play for about 10 minutes :P I'll try and do moar this term so I can have it all finished before I leave Perth :D

No fucking way :O

This seems to happen in DPP moar than the other games. I used to always kill things in 2 attacks in the first 3 gens, but it always seems to take 3 attacks in this one.

I hope you mean in a normal way, cos I wouldn't be surprised if y'know...


omgwtf :O

Fail -_-

Prinplup has one of the worst natural move pools ever :/ Every single one of those moves is weak against Bronzor (Except Bubble but that's shit anyway)