Saturday, August 28, 2010

D'y'know it's been 3 years since these games came out. Goes fast huh?

Bronzor gets my vote for worst.pokemon.ever

Yah defo

Let's get some broken moves that really shouldn't be available this early in the game!
I admit it, I dig the music here.

Courage? Hope? Love? Am I playing Digimon?
(The fourth guy was "Tears" wts is that?)


Me too!

Why is Lucario Steel type? I don't see any steel.


Piss off.

Dumb cunt.


Omfg I forgot about this!

A Clefairy? Really Lucas?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hey remember this?

Yay, a somewhat decent move!

Don't care.

ONE HEART? Ugh, this is going to take forever. And I can't use her anymore otherwise she'll miss good moves as Roselia. FML :/

Don't care.

Wow, what moms can leave home in these games?

Thanks Mom! Some glitter was JUST wht I needed in my journey to save the world from a group of crazy terrorists from space!

K, but you're gonna lose again.


Cute! In a kind of disturbing way ofc.

Therapy for deression by Roughneck Kirby (with a Clefa!) in Pokemon games.


Ugh, third time in a row. Bloody paralysis. How can an electric Pokemon be paralyzed from thunder wave anyway? In fact, how can ANY Pokemon be paralyzed from electricity? Last time I checked electricity kills people, and sets things on fire, but doesn't paralyze them. Does it do it by blasting off their leg or something? Or am I missing something? :/

Hey, she's kinda hot.

Hey I have an idea!

Hello :)

Much easier ^_^