Monday, May 31, 2010

The End

Indeed. Feel like telling me who you are now? Or what your purpose in the game is? Come on. Give me SOMETHING.


Alright, let's do this! For the last time!

Hey, it's that queen!

I'm so scared -_-

Yeah you do. I'M THE CHAMP! ^_^

If there's one thing Gen 3 got right, it's the Electric Pokies.

We got off to a bad start, but... AZUMAROWNAGE! :D

Hambag :/


I didn't actually use him/her/it. It would be like cheating :S


See hao I organized it so that the colours were all pretty? ^_^

I actually really enjoyed that. Fuck the haters, EMERALD FTW! :)

Well that's it, everyone! I'm done! 11 Pokemon games down in 6 months! Good work, if I do say so myself. Hope you enjoyed. I certainly did (most of the time) ^_^

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